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Free Microsoft MB-330 Sample Questions
Question 1
A company employee is in charge of warehouse operations and controlling inventory adjustments through journals.The employee needs to add inventory for samples at a specific cost. The samples were shipped by a vendorwithout a purchase order. The employee needs to be sure that the inventory value goes to a ledger account so that the value of the samples is not mixed in with another inventory value.You need to ensure that the employee is able to correctly add the inventory.What should you do?
A. Create a movement journal, add the cost, and specify the offset ledger account on the line.
B. Create an adjustment journal, add the cost, and specify the offset ledger account on the line.
C. Create an arrival journal, add the cost, and specify the offset ledger account on the line.
D. Create a transfer journal, transfer to a different warehouse, and then adjust the cost.
Answer: A
Question 2
Note: This question is part of a series of questions that present the same scenario. Each question in the seriescontains a unique solution that might meet the stated goals. Some question sets might have more than onecorrect solution, while others might not have a correct solution.After you answer a question In this section, you will NOT be able to return to It. As a result, these questionswill not appear In the review/ screen.You are the purchasing manager at a manufacturing company that makes audio equipmentYou sign an agreement with a vendor to purchase 5,000 speaker cables. Item C0001, at a discounted rate ofS3,00 per cable. This agreement expires in exactly one year.You need to set up pricing information and track the fulfillment of the agreement.Solution: Create a purchase agreement for the vendor that specifies a product quantity commitment. Includethe quantity, the price, and the expiration date.Does the solution meet the goal?
A. Yes
B. No
Answer: A
Question 3
A warehouse uses mobile devices for locating products.Products are listed in the Inventory module in incorrect locations. Users must therefore manually locateproducts to be picked. You need to ensure that the users' mobile device updates ^locations of the products.Which two actions should you take to update product locations by using the mobile devices? Each correctanswer presents part of the solution. NOTE: Each correct selection is worth one point.
A. Scan a shelf barcode and update the inventory.
B. Manually find the physical location of the product.
C. Log into a desktop computer and update the Inventory module
D. Manually move product to the correct physical location
Answer: B,D
Question 4
A warehouse picks and ships product.The warehouse completes work immediately upon automatic release to the warehouse.You need to configure waves to allow for automatic work creation.What should you do?
A. Automate wave creation and process the wave automatically at threshold.
B. Select the wave template and process the wave at release to warehouse.
C. Select the wave template and attribute to automatically process.
D. Automate replenishment and process the wave at release.
Answer: B
Question 5
You are the logistics manager at a distribution company. Your primary carrier service provides rates fortransportation between New York City and Colorado. Theserates are a flat rate depending on the city or general area of pickup as follows:New York City = $500Colorado = $450You need to set up Transportation Management to calculate the rate from New York City to Colorado.What should you do?
A. Use a Point-to-Point engine based on weight and miles. Assign rates from New York City as the starting location and Colorado as the ending location and break the rates out based on the weight of the package.
B. Set up zones in the Zone Master for New York City and Colorado. Assign rates to each zone in the Zone Master by starting and ending location.
C. Create hubs for both locations. Add a route plan from New York City to Colorado and assign the two charges as spot rates.
D. Set up a Transit Time Engine to track days from New York City to Colorado. Set up rates in the Rate Master tied today breaks.
Answer: C
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