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RealDumpsCollection exam dumps are 100% authentic and are verified for use by professional IT field experts. Our C1000-021 study material is purposefully curated to enable you to qualify for your certification exam on the first attempt. With RealDumpsCollection you are not only 100% guaranteed success but your investment is also secure as we offer you a money-back guarantee in case you do not get the promised results. Our IBM C1000-021 dumps are prepared in a PDF file format which contains unique and authentic sets of exam paper questions and answers that are valid all across the globe and can be accessed on all mobile devices. We update our exam database regularly throughout the year so that you can access new practice questions & answers for your C1000-021 exam. Our legacy speaks volumes as our C1000-021 dumps have inspired thousands of students all across the world to build their future in the IT field.
Free IBM C1000-021 Sample Questions
Question 1
A customer is evaluating an IBM Storwize V5010 solution and wants to know what additional software functions are available.Which additional feature on the IBM Storwize V5010 is a chargeable upgrade?
A. FlashCopy
B. Encryption
C. Data Reduction Pools
D. Compression
Answer: B
Question 2
A customer needs to significantly increase the performance of an existing IBM Storwize V7000 Gen1 based on 15k RPM SAS disks with minimal investment.What is the most effective way to achieve this?
A. Add five percent of flash storage to the pool
B. Acquire an IBM Storwize V7000F
C. Add compression cards and enable RtC
D. Purchase Easy Tier
Answer: A
Question 3
A customer has two IBM Storwize V7000 I/O groups. As part of its business continuity plan, one unit is located within its primary site and the other at a disaster recovery site. The customer synchronously replicates between each IBM Storwize V7000.What should the customer configure to provide fast non-disruptive failover in case of an outage?
A. Transparent Cloud Tiering
B. Stretched cluster
C. HyperSwap
D. Global Mirror
Answer: C
Question 4
A technical specialist is conducting a disk technology briefing to position the IBM FlashSystem V9000 against flash drives in an IBM Storwize V7000. The customer asks, “Why is SSD latency greater than a flash module?” How should the technical specialist respond to the customer?
A. Larger capacity SSDs use TLC technology which is slower than MLC
B. The SSD is using a traditional drive style interface protocol, which can cause a performance overhead.
C. SSDs use much slower internal SLC flash technology than the IBM FlashSystem, which uses eMLC/MLC.
D. The cache memory in the IBM Storwize V7000 is less, which increases latency.
Answer: A
Question 5
A customer would like to reduce the amount of backup data being stored on its IBM Storwize V7000 storage. Which IBM Spectrum Protect feature should the technical specialist propose?
A. Encryption
B. Data deduplication
C. Node replication
D. Integration with hardware snapshots
Answer: D
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