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Free SAP C_S4FTR_1909 Sample Questions
Question 1
Which of the management cockpit gives you an overview of your current net open exposures, so you can take your hedging decisions ?
A. Hedge Management
B. Integration with other
C. Areas is enabled.
D. External system
Answer: A
Question 2
Which of the sheet recognition date is the date on which a receivable or payable is posted to the balance sheet ?
A. System automatically
B. Generates an ID
C. The number range.
D. Balance sheet
Answer: D
Question 3
Which of the analyzer offers extensive position evaluations, such as mark-to-market valuations of financial transactions ?
B. Active observers
C. Administrators
D. Market Risk Analyzer
Answer: D
Question 4
Which of the key figures are calculated for the hedging instrument and for the hypothetical derivative ?
A. Good for sourcing of standard items
B. Allows for exploration and comparison of a variety of possible options
C. Enables suppliers to differentiate themselves
D. Hedge Accounting Key
Answer: D
Question 5
Which of the data transfer program uses an import (receiver) structure called a transfer category to map external datato risk objects?
A. External data
B. Board and Track
C. Broadcast it with catalogs
D. Article master
Answer: A
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