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RealDumpsCollection exam dumps are 100% authentic and are verified for use by professional IT field experts. Our Heroku-Architect study material is purposefully curated to enable you to qualify for your certification exam on the first attempt. With RealDumpsCollection you are not only 100% guaranteed success but your investment is also secure as we offer you a money-back guarantee in case you do not get the promised results. Our Salesforce Heroku-Architect dumps are prepared in a PDF file format which contains unique and authentic sets of exam paper questions and answers that are valid all across the globe and can be accessed on all mobile devices. We update our exam database regularly throughout the year so that you can access new practice questions & answers for your Heroku-Architect exam. Our legacy speaks volumes as our Heroku-Architect dumps have inspired thousands of students all across the world to build their future in the IT field.
Free Salesforce Heroku-Architect Sample Questions
Question 1
Universal Containers has enabled Field Service Lightning and is looking to enable Entitlements for Work Orders. What should a Consultant take into consideration?
A. Creating Entitlements for Cases and Work Orders must beseparated.
B. Managing page layouts and validation rules can be done in Salesforce Lightning
C. Managing page layouts and milestone trackers can be done in the Salesforce mobile app.
D. Creating Entitlements for Work Orders requires Lightning to be enabled.
Answer: A
Question 2
A client wants to deconstruct a monolithic application into a set of microservices The microservicesrequire securer direct peer-to-peer communications. Which Heroku Enterprise features should an Architect recommend? Choose one answer
A. Heroku Private Spaces and Apache Kafka on Heroku
B. Shield Private Spaces and Heroku Shield Connect
C. Heroku Private Spaces and Internal Routing.
D. Heroku Private Spaces and Private Space VPN connections.
Answer: C
Question 3
Which 2 users can remove an applicationfrom a Heroku Enterprise Team?
A. An administrator of the Enterprise Team
B. A user with the "manage" permission for the app
C. A user with the "deploy" permission for the app
D. A user with the "operate" permission for the app
Answer: A,B
Question 4
A client wants to create a secure network connection between Heroku applications running in a Private Space and an AWS VPC. Which Heroku feature should an Architect recommend to create the connection?
A. Internal Routing
B. Private Space Peering
C. Private Space VPNconnections
D. Heroku Connect
Answer: C
Question 5
UniversalContainers (UC) has an on-permise application for reporting damage to their shipments. They want to migrate the application to Heroku. The damage reporting process includes uploading one or more pictures to the application which temporarily stores them onthe local system. After the report is submitted, a case is created in UC's Salesforce org for processing, amd the images are deleted from the file system. The application's configuration is read from environment variables that are specified in the system user's profile. The application writes its logs to rotating files using an open-source library. Which two recommendations should an Architect make to ensure that the application runs correctly on Heroku? Choose 2 answers.
A. Load the application's configuration from its source code instead of using environment tables
B. Use an external object storage service for temporary image uploads
C. Run the application in a Private Space to enable communication with UC's Salesforce org
D. WritP Inns tn stdmit instead nf writinn thpm tn the flip svstpma
Answer: A,D
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