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RealDumpsCollection exam dumps are 100% authentic and are verified for use by professional IT field experts. Our PSE-Platform study material is purposefully curated to enable you to qualify for your certification exam on the first attempt. With RealDumpsCollection you are not only 100% guaranteed success but your investment is also secure as we offer you a money-back guarantee in case you do not get the promised results. Our Palo-Alto-Networks PSE-Platform dumps are prepared in a PDF file format which contains unique and authentic sets of exam paper questions and answers that are valid all across the globe and can be accessed on all mobile devices. We update our exam database regularly throughout the year so that you can access new practice questions & answers for your PSE-Platform exam. Our legacy speaks volumes as our PSE-Platform dumps have inspired thousands of students all across the world to build their future in the IT field.
Free Palo-Alto-Networks PSE-Platform Sample Questions
Question 1
Which Palo Alto Networks security platform component should an administrator use to extend policies toremote users are not connecting to the internet from behind a firewall?
A. Threat Intelligence Cloud
B. Traps
C. GlobalProtect
D. Aperture
Answer: C
Question 2
A customer is concerned about malicious activity occurring directly on their endpoints and not visible to theirfirewalls.Which three actions does Traps execute during a security event beyond ensuring the prevention of thisactivity? (Choose three.)
A. Informs WildFire and sends up a signature to the Cloud
B. Collects forensic information about the event
C. Communicates the status of the endpoint to the ESM
D.. Notifies the user about the event
E. Remediates the event by deleting the malicious file
Answer: B,C,D
Question 3
A client chooses to not block uncategorized websites.Which two additions should be made to help provide some protection? (Choose two.)
A. A security policy rule using only known URL categories with the action set to allow
B. A file blocking profile to security policy rules that allow uncategorized websites to help reduce the riskof drive by downloads
C. A URL filtering profile with the action set to continue for unknown URL categories to security policyrules that allow web access
D. A data filtering profile with a custom data pattern to security policy rules that deny uncategorizedwebsites
Answer: A,C
Question 4
How does SSL Forward Proxy decryption work?
A. SSL Forward Proxy decryption policy decrypts and inspects SSL/TLS traffic from internal users to theweb.
B. The SSL Forward Proxy Firewall creates a certificate intended for the client that is intercepted andaltered by the firewall.
C. If the server's certificate is signed by a CA that the firewall does not trust, the firewall will use thecertificate only on Forward Trust.
D. The firewall resides between the internal client and internal server to intercept traffic between the two.
Answer: A
Question 5
Which two designs require virtual systems? (Choose two.)
A. A shared gateway interface that does not need a full administrative boundary
B. A virtual router as a replacement for an internet-facing router
C. A single physical firewall shared by different organizations, each with unique traffic control needs
D. A VMware NSX deployment that needs micros segmentation
Answer: B,C
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