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Free Microsoft MS-203 Sample Questions
Question 1
You have a Microsoft Exchange Server 2019 organization. You create a retention policy. You need to ensure that all email older than one year is moved to an archive mailbox. What should you use?
A. a data loss prevention (DLP) policy
B. a retention policy tag
C. a default policy tag
D. a personal tag
Answer: C
Question 2
You have hybrid deployment between a Microsoft Exchange Online tenant and an onpremises Exchange Server 2019 organization. The deployment uses Azure AD Connect. All incoming email is delivered to Exchange Online. You have 10 mail-enabled public folders hosted on an on-premises Mailbox server. Customers receive an error when an email message is sent to a public folder. You need to ensure that all the mail-enabled public folders can receive email messages from the internet. The solution must ensure that messages can be delivered only to valid recipients. Solution: From Azure AD Connect, select Exchange Mail Public Folders. Does this meet the goal?
A. Yes
B. No
Answer: A
Question 3
You have a hybrid deployment between a Microsoft Exchange Online tenant and an onpremises Exchange Server 2019 server. Users report that the email they send to external recipients is marked as spam. You need to validate the Reverse DNS and Sender ID data for the on-premises server. What should you use in the Microsoft Remote Connectivity Analyzer?
A. Inbound SMTP Email
B. Outbound SMTP Email
C. Message Analyzer
D. Exchange Online Custom Domains DNS Connectivity Test
Answer: B
Question 4
You have a hybrid deployment between a Microsoft Exchange Online tenant and an onpremises Exchange Server 2019 organization. The deployment contains an Exchange Server 2019 server named Server1. Server1 has a public certificate named Cert1 that is bound to the SMTP protocol. Cert1 will expire soon. you replace Cert1 with a new certificate named Cert2 from a different public certification authority (CA) After you replace the certificate, you discover that email delivery between Server1 and the Exchange Online tenant fails. You need to ensure that messages can be delivered successfully What should you do on Server1?
A. Return the Hybrid Configuration wizard
B. Restart the MSExchangeTransport service.
C. Recreate the certificate and include an exportable private key.
D. Bind a self-signed certificate to the SMTP protocol.
Answer: A
Question 5
You have a hybrid deployment between a Microsoft Exchange Online tenant and an Exchange Server 2019 organization. You need to enable journaling for outbound email. Where can you store the journal reports?
A. a mail-enabled public folder
B. an Exchange Server 2019 mailbox
C. a Microsoft SharePoint Online document library
D. an Exchange Online mailbox
Answer: A
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