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Free Microsoft AZ-204 Sample Questions
Question 1
You need to audit the retail store sales transactions.What are two possible ways to achieve the goal? Each correct answer presents a completesolution.NOTE: Each correct selection is worth one point.
A. Update the retail store location data upload process to include blob index tags. Createan Azure Function to process the blob index tags and filter by store location
B. Enable blob versioning for the storage account. Use an Azure Function to process a listof the blob versions per day.
C. Process an Azure Storage blob inventory report by using an Azure Function. Create rulefilters on the blob inventory report,
D. Subscribe to blob storage events by using an Azure Function and Azure Event Grid.Filter the events by store location.
E. Process the change feed logs of the Azure Blob storage account by using an AzureFunction. Specify a time range for the change feed data.
Answer: D,E
Question 2
You need to implement a solution to resolve the retail store location data issue.Which three Azure Blob features should you enable? Each correct answer presents pan olthe solution.NOTE Each correct selection is worth one point
A. Immutability
B. Snapshots
C. Versioning
D. Soft delete
E. Object replication
F. Change feed
Answer: C,D,F
Question 3
You need to secure the Azure Functions to meet the security requirements.Which two actions should you perform? Each correct answer presents part of the solution.NOTE: Each correct selection is worth one point.
A. Store the RSA-HSM key in Azure Cosmos DB. Apery the built-in policies for customermanaged keys and allowed locations.
B. Create a free tier Azure App Configuration instance with a new Azure AD serviceprincipal.
C. Store the RSA-HSM key in Azure Key Vault with soft-delete and purge-protectionfeatures enabled.
D. Store the RSA-HSM key in Azure Blob storage with an Immutability policy applied to thecontainer.
E. Create a standard tier Azure App Configuration instance with an assigned Azure AD managed identity.
Answer: C,E
Question 4
You need to access data from the user claim object in the e-commerce web app.What should you do first?
A. Write custom code to make a Microsoft Graph API call from the e-commerce web app.
B. Assign the Contributor RBAC role to the e-commerce web app by using the ResourceManager create role assignment API.
C. Update the e-commerce web app to read the HTTP request header values.
D. Using the Azure CLI, enable Cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) from the ecommerce checkout API to the e-commerce web app.
Answer: C
Question 5
You need to ensure the security policies are met.What code do you add at line CS07 of ConfigureSSE.ps1?
A. –PermissionsToKeys create, encrypt, decrypt
B. –PermissionsToCertificates create, encrypt, decrypt
C. –PermissionsToCertificates wrapkey, unwrapkey, get
D. –PermissionsToKeys wrapkey, unwrapkey, get
Answer: B
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