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Free Google Professional-Cloud-Developer Sample Questions
Question 1
Your company has deployed a new API to App Engine Standard environment. During testing, the API is not behaving as expected. You want to monitor the application over time to diagnose the problem within the application code without redeploying the application. Which tool should you use?
A. Stackdriver Trace
B. Stackdriver Monitoring
C. Stackdriver Debug Snapshots
D. Stackdriver Debug Logpoints
Answer: B
Question 2
You have been tasked with planning the migration of your company’s application from onpremises to Google Cloud. Your company’s monolithic application is an ecommerce website. The application will be migrated to microservices deployed on Google Cloud in stages. The majority of your company’s revenue is generated through online sales, so it is important to minimize risk during the migration. You need to prioritize features and select the first functionality to migrate. What should you do?
A. Migrate the Product catalog, which has integrations to the frontend and product
B. Migrate Payment processing, which has integrations to the frontend, order database, and third-party payment vendor.
C. Migrate Order fulfillment, which has integrations to the order database, inventory system, and third-party shipping vendor.
D. Migrate the Shopping cart, which has integrations to the frontend, cart database, inventory system, and payment processing system.
Answer: A
Question 3
Your team develops services that run on Google Cloud. You need to build a data processing service and will use Cloud Functions. The data to be processed by the function is sensitive. You need to ensure that invocations can only happen from authorized services and follow Google-recommended best practices for securing functions. What should you do?
A. Enable Identity-Aware Proxy in your project. Secure function access using its
B. Create a service account with the Cloud Functions Viewer role. Use that service account to invoke the function.
C. Create a service account with the Cloud Functions Invoker role. Use that service account to invoke the function.
D. Create an OAuth 2.0 client ID for your calling service in the same project as the function you want to secure. Use those credentials to invoke the function.
Answer: C
Question 4
You have an HTTP Cloud Function that is called via POST. Each submission’s request body has a flat, unnested JSON structure containing numeric and text data. After the Cloud Function completes, the collected data should be immediately available for ongoing and complex analytics by many users in parallel. How should you persist the submissions?
A. Directly persist each POST request’s JSON data into Datastore.
B. Transform the POST request’s JSON data, and stream it into BigQuery.
C. Transform the POST request’s JSON data, and store it in a regional Cloud SQL cluster.
D. Persist each POST request’s JSON data as an individual file within Cloud Storage, with the file name containing the request identifier.
Answer: D
Question 5
Your application is running on Compute Engine and is showing sustained failures for a small number of requests. You have narrowed the cause down to a single Compute Engine instance, but the instance is unresponsive to SSH. What should you do next?
A. Reboot the machine.
B. Enable and check the serial port output.
C. Delete the machine and create a new one.
D. Take a snapshot of the disk and attach it to a new machine.
Answer: A
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