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Free Salesforce Salesforce-Maps-Professional Sample Questions
Question 1
An organization requires sales reps utilize Salesforce Maps "Check in" and "Check out". Alot of sales reps have open tasks, they often forget to check out of a task when leaving anappointment. What steps can an admin take to ensure users do not forget to check out of a task using out of the box functionality?
A. Enable Auto Check Out in Permission Groups under Installed Package | Configure |Permission Groups
B. Go to Salesforce reports, create and share a completed task report with users, and addthe report to the users dashboard.
C. Complete the check in settings under Installed Package | Configure | Base objects andmake sure verification distance is configured.
D. Enable "Auto Check Out" for the corresponding Base Object under Installed Package |Configure | Base Objects
Answer: D
Question 2
A Salesforce Maps implementation partner is meeting with a prospect that already uses alegacy mapping solution for the Sales Team and wants to replace it with Salesforce Maps.What is the best action the implementation partner take?
A. Transform the customer's business processes and capture new requirements toimplement in Salesforce Maps
B. Keep the existing mapping solution and implement new requirements in SalesforceMaps
C. Transform the Salesforce Maps Ul to match the legacy mapping solution' Ul to retainuser adoption
D. Build API's to connect the legacy mapping solution with Salesforce Maps to have oneunified Maps solution
Answer: A
Question 3
Alpine Energy's internal project team has implemented Salesforce Maps in one of theirsandboxes and is preparing for deployment to production. The team has identified a largenumber of marker layers, shapelayers, and other configurations that need to be migrated.What are the two most important things for a Maps Administrator to consider whenplanning this deployment?
A. The Maps Migration Utility Tool can be used to extract, prepare, and transfer SalesforceMaps data between organizations.
B. Because Salesforce Maps data is stored on many custom objects, it should be recreatedby hand in the destination org.
C. Because Salesforce Maps is an installed package, its data and configurations can bemoved via change sets.
D. Because Salesforce Maps is an installed package, its data and configurations cannot bemoved via change sets.
Answer: D
Question 4
What are two common reasons why a new account marker layer would display an error for"bad addresses?"
A. The Base Object has not been configured correctly
B. The address on the Account record is invalid
C. The Salesforce record has been deleted
D. The Account Marker Layer's filters need to be adjusted
Answer: A,B
Question 5
The Sales team wants to specify days of the week that visits can be scheduled at a certainAccount by Maps Advanced Visit plans. What does an Admin need to set up to meet thisrequirement?
A. Promotional Windows
B. Maximum Shift Length
C. Minimum and Maximum Days Between Visits
D. Visit Windows
Answer: D
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